
Showing posts with the label kafka-sink-connector

Kafka connect to Elastic Search: Sink kafka Stream data to Elastic search

We have learned how to outsource stream data from MySQL change log to Kafka topic via kafka-source connector from  Kafka Stream API: MySQL CDC to apache Kafka with debezium  . Now we will learn how to ingest this data to Elastic search and create index on those documents. So, our target is:  Change in MySQL db table record , outsource the record in Kafka topic related to that table, ingest and create index on Elastic search I am assuming you are already having below mentioned services up and configured from the previous blog mentioned above with their compatible version: zookeeper ---> Running Kafka Broker --> Running Kafka Connect --> Running(We will rerun the same way we did in past but with extra config file, will see below) Requirements: Elastic Search : v_7.0.1 Kibana : v_7_0_1  Kafka-Elastic connector jar:  kafka-connect-elasticsearch-5.4.0.jar [donwload updated confluent platform , v5.4.0 , and go to confluent folder-> s...